meditation: learning the basics of the practice

Meditation: Learning the Basics of the Practice

There is a lot of interest in the practice of meditation, so in this article I look into the basics of the practice and how a person can begin learning how to meditate effectively.

An important aspect of personal development is learning how to focus the mind. Meditation is a valuable tool in achieving mental concentration and mindfulness.

Before I jump into the how, let's first look at the what and describe what meditation actually is.

What is Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice of mental centering that has been used for centuries to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

When a person meditates, they initiate a process of of turning their attention inward by focusing on their breathing and excluding all extraneous thoughts.

The goal of meditation is to bring the mind into a state of relaxation, focus and mindfulness.

There are many different types of meditation, but the basic principle is the same: to focus your attention on your breath and bring your mind into a state of relaxation and mindfulness.

There are many benefits of meditation, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing focus and concentration. Meditation can be done almost anywhere and does not require any special equipment.

The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been practised for centuries, and it has been shown to have many health benefits.

People who meditate regularly can expect to experience less stress, anxiety, and depression. Meditation helps to improve focus, concentration and even mental and physical heath.

Research has shown that on a physical level, it can boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and most importantly, lower stress levels.

However, arguably the most important benefit of this practice has to be the mental enhancement in terms of better cognitive abilities, focus, mental clarity and even intuition are all boosted by meditating regularly.

If you need an answer to a problem that may have been plaguing you for some time, you can meditate to find a solution that comes from deep within your own subconscious. Many claim this connection goes much deeper and brings us into contact with a universal or collective intelligence that permeates the ether.

As such it is linked with personal development and the Law of Attraction as a means of manifesting increase and abundance in all things as is highlighted in Dr. Joe Vitale's Law of Attraction Certification course that I feature here on this website.

How to Perform Basic Meditation

meditatingMeditation is an effective way to focus and calm the mind. In order to meditate effectively, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

There should be as little chance of external interruptions as possible. So turn off your phone, don't have a TV or radio blaring in an adjacent room, Make sure there are no alarm clocks set to go off during your peace-time and be sure there are no deliveries scheduled for this time.

Next, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale slowly and deeply, filling your lungs completely. Exhale slowly, allowing all the air to escape. Continue this deep, slow breathing for as long as you feel comfortable doing it.

As you breathe, focus your attention on your breath and the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. Allow your mind to become calm and without any active thought.

If your mind begins to wander, simply refocus your attention on your breath. Continue breathing deeply and slowly for 10-15 minutes.

You may find that you drift into a state of consciousness akin to hypnosis, where you are deeply relaxed and mentally calm but not actually asleep. From this state you can return to full consciousness instantly at will.

The Different Types of Meditation

There are a number of different types of meditation, each with its own specific techniques and benefits.

Some common types of meditation include mindfulness meditation, Transcendental Meditation and walking meditation.

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on your breath and being present in the moment. This variation can help to improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Transcendental Meditation involves repeating a mantra. This variant can help to improve your focus and concentration.

Walking meditation involves walking slowly and paying attention to your breath and your surroundings. This type of the practice can help to improve your physical fitness and mental well-being.

FAQ's About Meditation

If you're new to meditation, you may have some questions about how to get started. Here are some frequently asked questions about meditation, along with some simple tips to help you get started.

Q: What do I need to do to meditate?

A: All you need to do to meditate is find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and focus your attention on your breath. You can also try focusing on a mantra or a certain word or phrase that you repeat to yourself.

Q: How long should I meditate for?

A: You can meditate for as long as you like, but if you're just starting out, it's best to keep your sessions short, about 5-10 minutes. Once you get more comfortable with meditating, you can gradually increase the length of your sessions.

Q: What if I can't seem to quiet my mind?

A: It's normal for your mind to wander when you first start meditating. Just gently bring your attention back to your breath or your mantra whenever you notice your thoughts drifting. With practice, you'll be able to focus for longer periods of time.

Q: I don't feel like I'm doing it right. Am I doing something wrong?

A: There's no right or wrong way to meditate. The most important thing is to be patient and consistent with your practice. Meditation is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Trust that you are doing it right, and keep at it!


Now we have established that meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote peace, clarity and well-being.

While there are many different types of meditation, the basic premise is always the same: to focus and calm the mind. A common goal is to improve mental clarity, health and well being, while developing better mental intuition and even the capability for manifestation of certain desired things in combination with the law of attraction.

While the practice may not make you able to literally think things into existence, it can help you to develop ideas based on solutions that appear to you during the deeper meditative state.

If you have any other questions about meditation, feel free to ask by contacting the author via the contact page (link at the top of the page). Remember, the best way to learn how to meditate is to simply start doing it!

Latest Update: 31st March, 2023

Written by: Terry Didcott